Using your pre-planning notes, you have all your information gathered and are ready to set up your UserWise account and create your first event!
This walkthrough will lead you through setting up a new game, setting up a segment, and setting up an offer for that segment.
In this example, we will be adding a game and creating a weekend offer for players who have a lot of gems saved up that we'll be offering up a bundle of in game items and currency for.
Let's begin!
Create your game in UserWise
- Sign into your UserWise account. Welcome to to your new LiveOps dashboard!
- Add any team members to the account. You can find the Team link in the upper right corner by hovering over the profile image.
- Create your first App by clicking "+ New App" and adding the App Name and an icon. *Note: The icon is for quick identification within UserWise only, it does not affect the game itself in any way.
Set up one time data flows and game information
- Get data flowing into UserWise so that you can start segmenting users.
- Using your pre-determined attributes, begin sending in data to the UserWise system.
- *Technical Note: If using a Server to Server implementation, don't forget to set up hashing.
- Documentation: Attributes - Events - Revenue Events
- To confirm the data is in the system, navigate to Segments, click Add Attribute and view your available attributes.
- Create a Segment for your first test. In our example, we have created a Segment for players who have more than 500 gems that we want to give an offer to.
- Create any associated Products, Currencies, and Items by navigating to each section under Settings.
- Currencies and items can be thought of as lists with both the plaintext name of the currency or item and the game's hardcoded ID for each. The plaintext name is what the LiveOps team member will see in their configurations.
- Products are your App Store products with defined price points and associated App Store IDs.
- You can manually add each of the above one at a time, or import a list for each.
Create your first Campaign
- You're ready to create your first Campaign. A Campaign is the highest level of event, and contains all the associated parts.
- Make sure you are on the Campaign calendar by clicking Campaigns in the main menu bar. Click "+ Create Campaign"
- Choose Scheduled Campaign or Triggered Campaign depending on your specific need.
- In this example, we would choose Scheduled Campaign as the campaign has a set start and end time, versus Triggered, which would occur whenever the set trigger occurs.
- Fill out your initial Campaign information and choose an initial Segment. Don't worry, you can further segment within the Campaign if you want to.
- In our example, we have chosen our Segment we created earlier 'Gems over 500' and scheduled the Campaign starting on a Friday and ending on a Monday at 1AM.
- Click Save. The system will return you to the Campaign calendar.
- Make sure you are on the Campaign calendar by clicking Campaigns in the main menu bar. Click "+ Create Campaign"
- Click on your new Campaign and open the Content Builder from the upper righthand corner
- Begin adding any content you would like to your Campaign such as Messages, Event Configurations, Offers, JSON Uploads, and Surveys. In our example, we will be setting up an Offer. Since this is our first offer, we'll Start from Scratch.
- Add your information to the Offer Editor
- In our example we have given an internal name of 200 Gem Bundle, a user facing title of 800% Value, a user facing body of "Limited time only! 10,000 Gold, X items" We can optionally add images that will be passed to the game.
- Set when it will run - it's set to the whole campaign by default, you can further specify within the campaign here.
- Add payment type, in this case it will be in-app currency rather than a Product purchase.
- Set up the what is included within the offer - items and currencies
- Click Save
Code UserWise into your game to receive Campaign data
Using the technical documentation, create the framework to receive and display the Campaign.
- Create a Player Session
- Check for Scheduled Campaigns and Offers
- Receive the Campaign data
- Deliver the Campaign content to the user in the manner of your choosing with the data received from UserWise.
QA your Campaign
- Your Campaign is now ready to QA. We'll get into Environments later and how to implement your QA process with UserWise, but for now let's get your Campaign ready to test.
- From your Campaign's page, change the Campaign state from Draft to Ready for Testing and choose "Yes, change status."
- From your Campaign's page, change the Campaign state from Draft to Ready for Testing and choose "Yes, change status."
- Your Campaign is now ready to QA.
- Change from the LiveOps / Dev Environment to the QA Environment by hovering over the profile pic and clicking "Switch Environments" from the menu and choosing QA / Testing and clicking Done.
- In the QA / Testing Environment, right click your Campaign and choose Run Test and fill in the Profile IDs for your test accounts.
- Using the Profile ID(s) you designated for your test, QA your Campaign. Confirm that the game is creating the Player Session, checking for and receiving the Campaign data, and delivering the content you set up in UserWise via the game method you've set up.
Set to Live
- When you've confirmed that the Campaign has passed your QA check, it's time to set the Campaign live for all players in the Segment (during the date parameters you have indicated)!
- Return to the LiveOps / Dev Environment by choosing Switch Environment and choosing LiveOps / Dev
- Click into your Campaign and change the state from Ready for Testing to Publish.
- Click Confirm to Publish to Live.
Congratulations, you've set up an Offer in UserWise!
You're ready to start creating more Segments and creating Campaigns full of exciting content; creating A/B tests; integrating UserWise into your Campaign creation and testing ecosystem and fully utilizing the power of UserWise.
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